Healing Writing
The words we use have the power to define and shape our world.
Healing Writing
We don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are.
Anais Nin, author
Healing writing is not about recounting the events of your life – it is about speaking your individual truth to yourself so that you can let go of a painful event or experience. The most important part of that truth is putting your feelings, emotions and thoughts on paper; it is through speaking your truth about your feelings to yourself – naming the hurt – that transforming healing occurs – in other words you uncover deeper understanding, resolution and a way to move forward.
There is one earth and billions of worlds.
Bentinho Masscaro, guru
There is extensive research showing that engaging in healing writing is one of the most powerful and effective means to ease and ultimately heal sorrow and the pain of loss.
When something dies, something new is born.
Pardeep Kaleka, founder of Serve2Unite
The process of healing writing:
- Allows you to more deeply connect with and understand yourself
- Figure out your identity – Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?
- Figure out what you truly feel, think, believe, understand
- Helps make sense of pain and loss, bringing structure and order to the inner chaos of grief and pain
- Helps you physically put grief and pain outside of your body for examination (thereby lowering blood pressure, relaxing muscles, soothing respiration and releasing renewing biological chemical and hormones)
- Helps you uncover the power of the words you say to yourself
- Offers clarity re: possible life roads to explore
- Taps into the subconscious
- Helps to uncover purpose and meaning in the experiences and events of your life
- Helps you to answer the question “why did this happen for me?”
- Combination writing and art, writing and yoga, and writing and movement workshops are available upon request. I also offer one-on-one healing writing sessions.